

We have 118 scientific and technical personnel engaged in research and development,accounting?for nearly 14.5% of the total number,accounting for nearly 41.4% of college degree or above.We have 165 staff with ?intermediate and senior titles, accounting for 20% of the total number.The number of people under the age of 40 engaged in research and development is 95,accounting for 80.5% of research and development staff.There are 229 people under the age of 40 with college diploma or above,accounting for 80.4% of total number of scientific and technical personnel.Gradually formed young and dynamic team which takes graduate students as leaders,Research institutes and institutions of higher learning and visiting specialist as technical support,undergraduate students as the backbone,college students as base.

  • Development Center Development Center
  • Development Center Development Center
  • Development Center Development Center
  • Development Center Development Center

Development Center

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